The above is what we have been doing in the classroom; one of the other things we have at MDP is Connections. Tuesday evenings the men get together for discussion and fellowship, they have discussed topics like family life on the field, and what being a “successful” missionary looks like. This past week Joel was able to visit with one of his teacher's from Frontier School of the Bible. His name is Warren Cheek, he is the general director of UIM International. The women’s Connection’s is on Thursday and we shared about life for MKs (Missionary Kid’s), abuse and God’s healing touch, and Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder. These have been good times for both of us as we are able to "hash out" difficult situations in missions with experienced missionaries.
Abigail has also been learning a lot during her class as well, new songs, bible stories, and even bible verses. She really enjoys her time with Miss Hannah, Miss Tammy and her friend Samuel.
This coming week will be a change of pace for us. Joel and the rest of trainees, minus the other moms, left for Wilderness Trails on Friday, they will be gone for 8 days into northern Saskatchewan. You can be praying for safety and good learning experiences along the way. Abigail and I along with the other children, mothers, and staff will have a fun-filled challenging week as well.
Thanks to all of you who send us love, we appreciate you so much. We are so thankful to have this opportunity to learn and grow here at MDP. May God be Glorified by all of us!