Tuesday, August 15, 2006

The Last Frontier

Our time in Alaska is reaching its end. We have had a wonderful experience and as usual time went way to fast. A little review of what we have been up to, since our last post! Sunday, July 30th we shared at Glacier View Bible Church, located near Victory. We had a problem with our media presentation, but were very encouraged by the message the Pastor gave and people’s interest in our lives. So all in all it was a very good morning. Our second week at Victory we were able to visit more old friends and connect with some new. Joel’s speaking at chapel for the campers went smoothly. We were once again blessed to see the Lord at work in kid’s lives through Joel’s messages and camp in general.

Saturday, August 5th we left camp just like we arrived, on the bus, and got off in Palmer. We spent the next several days with our friend Dan Lathrop and his family, which was a lot of fun for all of us. And Joel got to help his good friend Marv Den Bleyker stack the logs on his new house. Monday and Tuesday we were able to partake in some of InterAct’s Alaskan Field Conference. Even though we are serving in Canada, this was a great opportunity to meet part of the InterAct family and hear what is new in the life of the mission in general. We were so encouraged by our time at the conference. It reaffirmed that InterAct is an organization that we are excited to be apart of.

Tuesday evening we drove back into Anchorage, and spent Wednesday catching up and getting reorganized. Thursday the 10th, after Joel went fishing for Salmon (the Silvers were running) we drove down to Homer. We stayed with Ruth Sensenig, a friend from my Alaska Bible Institute days. Joel spent most of his time in Homer catching fish (see Halibut picture), something he didn’t have a lot of time for when he lived in Alaska. I was able to visit friends I had made while attending ABI (Alaska Bible Institute). Saturday evening we drove back up to Anchorage, were we are continuing to meet with friends and reconnect. What a blessing it is to have friends that you may not see for years and yet you can sit down and share life with them and connect in the Lord. We are VERY blessed to have people like that in our lives.

Thursday, August 17th, close to eleven p.m. Alaska time, we fly back to Michigan. Please be in prayer that our flight goes smoothly! We are looking forward to connecting with our friends in Michigan. Once again we are thankful for all the CONNECTING we are able to do with fellow believers here in Alaska. It is what makes life rich and full of flavor. If you got time, please let us know how you are doing. Let’s keep each other lifted up in prayer and remember we fight not against flesh and blood (Ephesians 6:12), but against an enemy out to destroy all those who call God their Father, and Jesus their Savoir. Praise the Lord we know the battle is won and may that truth spur us on to run the race harder. Amanda (For the Sewell’s)