Thursday, May 22, 2008

Paul Washer

This is well worth the 48 minutes of your time. I have watched it and have "chewed" on it for a few days now. Though there are a few things I may not 100% agree with, he does bring out MANY valid points and is very clear.


Gary said...

Thanks for posting this video. I watched most of it, not quite all.

This brother has an important message for the American church, no dobut about it, even if I cannot (as you) fully endorse 100% of it. For example, I know people I would be reluctant to send the link to because they would not be able to distinguish between genuine conviction and false guilt.

His call to holy living is very courageous and timely; his assessment that most professing Christians must not be truly saved (because he doesn't see holy living) fails to account for spiritual immaturity.