Friday, April 27, 2007

More Travels

April has almost disappeared from the calendar, and we want to share a little bit about our month. We spent most of it in Alaska, visiting friends, updating people on what God is doing in our lives and attending a wonderful wedding of some special friends (Dan & Brie Lathrop). We are so grateful for the opportunity to once again visit this majestic state and for the hospitality we were shown by dear friends. (Thanks so much). We arrived back in Wyoming on the 17th; our flying went very smooth, which was a huge blessing. We have seen our Doctor here in Cheyenne and got all caught up with the needed tests etc. Having the ultrasound was a special time for our family and we got some wonderful pictures of our baby’s face. Everything looks good, so we are thankful to hear that! Last weekend, the 21st and 22nd, we had the chance to travel to Newcastle, WY and present the path God has chosen for our family to a special group of believers at Gateway Fellowship. We were greatly encouraged by this church and their interest in missions. The rest of this last week we have been planning and packing for our trip to Saskatchewan for MDP, and saying more goodbyes to our friends who will soon be graduating from Frontier and moving on. This has been a very brief glimpse of our month, and in some ways it feels like a chapter of our lives is coming to a close and a new one will begin at MDP. We are looking forward to eight weeks in one place and all the learning we get to do. Please continue to pray for us, thanks so much for all the ways you are encouraging and supporting us. We will be giving updates on life and MDP so check back more often for new reading!! We do have contact information for our time in Canada, our address till the 23rd of June will be:

Joel and Amanda Sewell
General Delivery

Timber Bay, SK S0J 2T0