Saturday, September 15, 2007

And we're off...

We are posting this blog from Elko Nevada. We realize that it’s been awhile since we have updated you all, and the cry for pictures is finally being answered. Since Ruth was born our lives took a different turn than we expected, most of you are already aware of our tale so I will give a short version. On August 5th we were blessed with the opportunity to share with the wonderful people of Pinedale Bible Church what God has called our family to. They were a huge encouragement to us and the family of God came around us when I (Amanda) ended up back in the hospitable due to a high fever. The next few weeks our lives were a growing period for all of our family as I gained back strength and struggled to keep nursing Ruth. God did amazing things in all of us during this time and we appreciate your prayers. Our schedule was cleared and we spent many days in the house trying to rest. As I finally started feeling normal again we were able to visit a few people in Wyoming and Colorado. Then the fun of packing and wrapping up loose ends began. Once again we were blessed with tremendous help from many people but especially Joel’s mom in packing, which we desperately needed as much of my time is spent with the wonderful task of feeding and caring for a newborn. We left LaGrange, Wyoming Friday the 14th with our truck and trailer and everything we own.

As we close a chapter in our lives and finally get to enter the stage we’ve been preparing for, for so long now, we are filled with excitement. We know the road ahead is going to be tougher than anything we can imagine, yet God is always so faithful we chose to trust in Him and His provision for our every need. We are blessed above and beyond just to be called His child, yet He gives so much more. Please rejoice with us as we take the next step.

Our plan now is to take some time as we travel to Chilanko Forks, some time visiting supporters and some time for our family. We will keep you updated on our travels and date of border crossing, our last big hurdle (till we get there). For now we can be reached on our cell phone, and email like usual. And we will be letting you know our new contact information as it changes. Ruth will make sure we get there on time (see picture).

Our family is doing well; I am still not 100% with health, it seems to come and go. Joel is working hard to keep everything together, Abigail is loving being back on the road and all the adventure and Ruth reminds us all about what is truly important every time she flashes one of her “whole face” smiles. Thanks again for caring for our family.


Anonymous said...

Abs is getting so big! Please keep us updated on the crossing date...we are praying. We love and miss you guys!

J, RiBalls, Peanut, Boomer, Chief and the Fluffanator/DIVA!

Carla said...

Praying for you guys as you travel this weekend!